Will and Wendy Page-Echols
The Drs Page-Echols are Osteopathic Physicians, certified in Family Practice, Manipulative
Medicine, Integrative Health and Medicine and in Medical Acupuncture. They have particular
expertise in Mind-Body, Environmental and Nutritional Medicine.
Recently retired from their Integrative Family Practice in East Lansing, they live in the Clear
Light Community at Song of the Morning where they practically apply Paramahansa
Yogananda’s principles.
Intensely immersed in the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda since 1974, they have been
Golden Lotus Yoga Teachers since 1976 with re-certification in 2018.
They have extensive gardening experience with large personal gardens and community
gardens. Their training includes organic gardening, permaculture, composting, companion
planting, greenhouse and no-till training.
They are also working with native plants to support insects, birds and butterflies in their
neighborhood community garden and in their yard. They love to generously share their
gardening knowledge and enjoyment with others.