Clear Light Community

The Clear Light Community is located on the beautifully forested land owned by Golden Lotus, part of the 800 acres on which Song of the Morning is also located. Each of 72 lots has uniquely sylvan characteristics. The Community encompasses the loftiest ideals for a balanced, God-permeated life as passed down to us by our Master, Paramahansa Yogananda; our Founder, Yogacharya J. Oliver Black; and Bob Raymer, our Spiritual Director from 1991 to 2004.

Paramahansa Yogananda envisioned “World Brotherhood Colonies” as places where harmonious people could support each other in the balanced development of body, mind and soul through the teachings of Yoga. He spoke of “plain living and God thinking,” a simple but effective formula to tap into the spiritual reality that flows like a deep river beneath the chaos of our times. Song of the Morning Ranch is the ideal location for such a colony, nested as it is within a state forest teaming with God’s boundless variety of life forms and the deep quiet and peace conducive to inner revelation.

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