Cultivating Pranic Nourishment : A Special Healing Retreat

With Elitom El-Amin and Norma Gentile

June 27 - 30, 2019

Date and Time Details: Retreat begins on Thursday, June 27 with 5 PM dinner and concludes on Sunday, June 30 with 1 PM Lunch.

Contact: Song of the Morning Guest Services
(989) 983-4107

  • Queen Bedroom (Lodge) – $420.00
  • Wheelhouse Apartment – $630.00
  • Twin Bedroom (Domes) – $210.00
  • Full Bedroom (Domes) – $270.00
  • Men's Dormitory (Domes) – $180.00
  • Women's Dormitory (Domes) – $180.00
  • Camping – $150.00

*Please note that all prices above include meals served at Song of the Morning.

For more than 15 years Elitom has lived on prana, without the need for food or water. Norma, who sees auras, understands how Elitom cultivates prana and helps others do the same. Together, they share some of the techniques Elitom uses to sustain his body through meditations, darshan and (often very humorous) stories. Norma’s music creates sacred space, allowing transformation within deep stillness. This process is meant to be gradual, allowing the intelligence of your body and the wisdom of your Soul to determine where and how the increased flow of prana is to be used. Participants learn physical, mental and musical means of cultivating prana they can use on their own.

How Does Breatharianism Work?

As a person learns to live more and more on Prana, the cells within the body are able to consume Prana directly instead of converting glucose to energy and then utilizing it. The intelligence within each person’s body ‘hears’ how Elitom’s body is able to function solely on Prana. To the extent that one’s body is ready to do so, each person may feel their own body awakening a similar ability or energetic wiring.

As a channel for Spirit and a psychic intuitive, Norma ‘sees’ how Elitom uses Prana to nourish his body. She is able to offer guidance to assist others in discovering their own energetic pranic wiring. Group chanting and toning, along with her singing and Tibetan singing bowls, offer rich experiences of spiritual healing and reflection. It is often within these times that changes occur.

Initially the increased quantity and quality of Prana is used to heal the physical body, clear and stabilize the aura, and bring about changes that one’s Soul desires to make in this life. Becoming a Breatharian is Elitom’s way of illustrating the power of Spirit to manifest into our physical world. For Norma, her ability to communicate with spiritual helpers and facilitate energy healings is a result of increasing her pranic flow. Each person will develop unique gifts based on their own spiritual journey.

Our goal is to support each person in connecting to their own Soul and generating energies appropriate to their body. While Elitom being a Breatharian creates much interest, it is merely a way of spreading the word about the potential within each of us to reveal Spirit while here on earth. I appreciate his mastery in doing something that clearly illustrates the potential we each have as humans to step beyond what we perceive of as immutable physical laws
Each of us has the potential to open ourselves more deeply to pranic nourishment from the Earth, Sun and Spirit. As we do so, our bodies, our beliefs and our lives change. Like all Spiritual journeys, this is a journey of allowing.

Tentative Schedule:

7pm-8:30pm Group Gathering Introduction and Teaching
9pm Sunset Sun Gazing

Friday and Saturday
6am Sunrise Sun Gazing
7:30am Qigong or Yoga Conscious Movement Meditation
Self care time…Walk in Nature or similar
10am Breakfast
12pm-4:30 Teaching
5pm Dinner
7-9 Teaching
9pm Sunset Sun Gazing

6am Sunrise Sun Gazing
7am Conscious Movement Meditation
Light Breakfast (please bring power bars or what you feel you need for yourself)
10am-12:30 Teaching and Closing Ceremony

Program Fee: $199 + Cost of Lodging

Price listed during the registration process include program fee, lodging, and meals.

About the Program Leaders

Elitom El-Amin

Elitom El-Amin is an internationally recognized teacher and Breatharian. His mastery illustrates the potential each of us has as humans to step beyond what we perceive of as physical laws. After many years in meditation and quiet seclusion, Elitom has decided to emerge into the public eye. He has taught primarily in Africa, India and […]

Learn more about Elitom El-Amin

Norma Gentile

Norma Gentile is a trained channeler, intuitive energy healer, and professional singer. She has recorded 4 albums of healing chants (many by St. Hildegard of Bingen), over 50 audio meditations, has several online video courses (including The MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment), and has authored numerous published essays based on insights from Archangel Michael, Mary, the […]

Learn more about Norma Gentile