2025 Be Still and Know Silent Retreat
With Swami Sankarananda
May 16 - 22, 2025
A Private Retreat with Swami Sankarananda
“Self-realization is the knowing in all parts of body, mind, and soul that you are now in possession of the kingdom of God; that you do not have to pray that it come to you; that God’s omnipresence is your omnipresence; and that all that you need to do is improve your knowing.”
~Paramahansa Yogananda
This retreat is an opportunity for all sincere truth seekers to experience and imbibe in the sacred Silence within. All participants are expected to observe & respect silence as guided during the full retreat. Song of the Morning is a safe space, a place of kindness, and all participants commit to do their part to maintain this at all times.
Our intent is to offer the retreat in a way that is affordable to all. For that reason, you’ll find a suggested retreat fee on the registration page, with an opportunity to pay what you can. If resources allow, you are welcome to give a little more to support Song of the Morning and make participation by others possible.
Retreat Overview
Deepen and uplift your experience of Life through silence, meditation, chanting, yoga asana and introspection. The retreat is guided by Swami Sankarananda in accordance with the tradition and precepts set forth by the great Yogi Swami Sivananda. The program is specifically developed to aid participants in their evolution from fear to fearlessness, from discord to Harmony, and from pieces to Peace.
This retreat is both a weekend and week-long retreat. You can join this for the weekend and complete the retreat on Sunday afternoon, or continue for the full week.
We encourage you to join the full week if you can, but no doubt if you are only able to join for the weekend, it will be most beneficial so please do join in. If you would like to book for the weekend only, the accommodation selection will be limited to camping or the Domes dormitory. As the retreat dates draw closer, if private rooms become available, they will be offered to weekend retreatants on a first come, first serve basis. When you register, please check the question box that indicates a reservation for only the weekend.
To learn more about Swamiji, visit www.divinegraceyoga.org
To learn more about Song of the Morning, visit www.songofthemorning.org
Main Gathering Places
All scheduled events will take place at Song of the Morning. Our gatherings as sangha — including morning, evening and midday Satsangs and workshops — will take place in the historical Domes structure. Song of the Morning is situated on 800 acres of forested land with shrine trails and the Pigeon River running through the center of the retreat, offering sacred and beautiful places of solitude for meditation and contemplation on and near the river.
A simple and wholesome diet of vegan and vegetarian, gluten-free food will be provided. Two full meals are served each day, and all participants gather to eat at that time. Fruits and light snacks will be available throughout the day; hot water, coffee and tea will also be available.
Tent or dormitory accommodations with meals will be included in the retreat on a “pay as you can” basis. Other accommodation options are available on a fixed-fee basis, with priority given to those staying the entire duration of the retreat.
Participants are encouraged to remain on the retreat grounds for the full duration of the retreat.
Karma Yoga / Seva (Self-less Service)
As part of the deepening of awareness and practices, opportunities for Karma Yoga will be available throughout the week. We operate with a limited staff; this service, therefore, serves as both a great spiritual practice and allows these retreats to function smoothly. Typically seva includes support with meal prep, after-meal clean-up, and other offerings that will be discussed Friday evening. A sign-up sheet will be posted.
Spiritual Counseling
Throughout the week Swami will offer one-on-one counseling sessions for all who are interested. You will have an opportunity to sign up on the daily Spiritual Counseling Sheet that will be posted.
During counseling sessions, those not involved will be free to select any of the offered reading material and take up a comfortable location, walk silently in nature, or perhaps journal or reflect on experiences thus far.
What to Bring (All items to be kept in your room when not in use):
- Toothbrush/toothpaste, bath soap, shampoo and any other toiletries
- Washcloth and towel
- Sheets, pillow, blanket and/or sleeping bag for camping and dormitory style accommodations.
- Appropriate clothing
- Loose, breathable clothing for yoga classes is recommended.
- Comfortable light-colored clothing is recommended for the rest of the retreat.
- No tank tops or shorts above the knee are allowed.
- Slip-on shoes – note that no shoes are allowed in the retreat facilities.
- Walking shoes
- Your own personal water bottle and thermos. In reverence to our Mother Earth, we will do our best to avoid disposable dishware. We adopt this minimalist concept to invite you deeper into a simple, yogic lifestyle.
- Sunscreen, bug spray, any necessities for long outdoor time
- Any medications you are taking
- Please bring your own yoga mats, meditation cushions and other yoga support items (blocks, straps as needed) to safeguard your health and the health of others. Thank you!
General Guidelines
Silence is to be maintained during the retreat, except for chanting and discussions with the teacher. All of these are, in fact, practices of silence, including chanting and exploration of Yoga philosophy and practices. If anyone does not feel well or needs to discuss anything, please let Swami know. (Please do your best not to disturb other participants.) All communication devices (phones, computers, etc.) are to be turned off at the beginning of the retreat, or left at home.
Please let family and friends know that you are going to be in retreat. If need be, they may contact the Song of the Morning office at (989) 983-4107 or Swami at (234) 262-1086. We strongly recommend that you detach from your device for the weekend.
Retreat Schedule
Friday, Day 1
3-5:00 PM Arrival Check-In
5:00 PM Dinner + Clean-up
- Please note that all meals are communal and begin on time with the meal bell. We join together for prayer, then sit in silence.
7:00 PM Opening Prayer, Introductions, Retreat Overview
7:30 PM Satsang – Silence Begins
- Meditation
- Kirtan
- Dharma Talk: Silence
10:00 PM Lights Out
5:30 AM Wake up bell
6:00 AM Satsang
- Meditation
- Kirtan
- Dharma Talk
8:00 AM Yoga Class
10:00 AM Brunch + Clean-up
11:30 AM Discernment Workshop
12:30 PM Meditation
1:00 PM Sadhana – Practice on your own
- Meditation / Contemplation
- Study and Introspection
- Journaling
- Nature Walks
- Seva / Karma Yoga assignments
- Spiritual Counseling with Swami (by appointment)
3:30 PM Gentle Yoga Class
5:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Peace Chanting
7:30 PM Satsang
- Meditation
- Kirtan
- Dharma Talk
10:00 PM Lights Out
Thursday, Day 7
5:30 AM Wake up bell
6:00 AM Satsang
- Meditation
- Kirtan
- Dharma Talk: Steps Towards Inner Peace
8:00 AM Yoga Class
10:00 AM Brunch + Clean-up
11:00 AM Peace Walk
12:00 PM Silence Ends – Closing Discussions & Prayers
- Ask any open questions with the group
- Share your insights & experiences of the weekend
- Feedback on Retreat
- Closing Prayers and Arati
- Departure
Snacks available at Main House after closing. Seva opportunities will be offered for those willing to stay after to help clean up after the retreat.
About the Leader
Swami Sankarananda
“I am a simple pilgrim. I’ve walked across the USA for two and a half years, then traveled from town to town in a tiny motorhome emblazoned with the telling words “Yoga for Peace”, not I am steward with Divine Grace Yoga Ashram near Sedona, Arizona. I serve the divine in all and support our universal […]
Learn more about Swami SankaranandaCategories : Guided Retreats, Private Group Retreat